BlueDragon's Profile

Member Info
Name: BlueDragon
Location: Wiltshire
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Fri, 17 Jul 2009
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Howdy!! So, er, well here goes the Bio: I got into spirituality when I was 17 doing what teenagers do ^.^, when some guy i met introduced me the world of enegies. well i'm 24 (going 25) now and alot has happened since then. and I've learnt and experienced alot since then (by no means an expert tho, there's a hullava lot to learn in the world of spiritualy academically and practically) and found some things interested me more than others. my "angle" is fairly personal and never really felt drawn to one way or another or the common ways of doing things that you usually find on the shelves of the book shop. Primeraly i'm interested in energy work and all things related for example healing, psychic development, holistic therapies etc and the vast world of psychology.