LovelyLilly's Profile

Member Info
Name: LovelyLilly
Location: Missouri
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sun, 08 Aug 2010
Membership: Member

Website: view

Personal Bio
I have always been a solitary Pagan. I have been apart of some great yahoo groups and witchschool. When the pagan internet conference was hosted I loved to listen to all the speakers. (I wish someone would bring that back). Since I live in a small town there are not many open pagans in my area. So I turn to the internet for enlightenment. I have studied a lot of different Wicca traditions, Buddhist ideals, etc. I was raised christian and felt there were more truths out there than what I was told. I respect everyone's path and believe everyone's path is unique. I love talk to ppl about their spiritually . I believe we can learn for others who's faith is different from our own if we just listen to the main point they are making, once you wade through all the politics of religion we all want the same thing. Understanding!