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Post # 1
Hi, i'm just curious does anyone happen to know what's the meaning of buddist jewelry? Cause I know a buddist who has an earing in his left year and I haven't have the chance to ask him..
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Re: Earings
Post # 2
I don t have clue,but I have earings in my both ears...its like part of my body!
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Re: Earings
Post # 3
Buddhist jewelry is a type of accessory.
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Re: Earings
Post # 4
There is another connection too, give me some time and i will drop you a pm once i remember.
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Re: Earings
Post # 5
I think some wear them to keep them anchored emotionally, so their emotions don't run away with them.

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Re: Earings
Post # 6
So to stop their emotions that would make sense.. anyone else?
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Re: Earings
Post # 7
In meditation and astral one can go so far out the body onto the etheric plane that you can completely seperate, this however takes many years, now if you have something like a piercing in your body, earring, tongue ring, lip ring, you can use it as a physical something which isn' organic to touch against to keep yourself anchored in this reality no matter how far you seperate, once again, it takes years, but seeing as though you ask about it in buddhism it would make sense as most buddhist monks spend most of their life in some state of meditation
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