moon energy?

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moon energy?
Post # 1
Is it posible to absorb energy of full moon,not like just take it and recharge.I mean to feel its power and glory to feel something diferent,its like he is calling you to look at him and when you do that your hart beat go up so fast that you feel some kind of nirvana???
what that means?
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Re: moon energy?
Post # 2
I'm not sure what it means, but I kind of understand what youre saying.

I often find myself drawn to the moon and starring at it for hours, feeling empowered and completely at peace at the same time. Like it's shining just for me. (obviously it's not lol )

I always assumed it's because my sign is ruled by the moon *shrugs*
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Re: moon energy?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I have been watching the beautiful moon the past few nights as it's been inching closer and closer to full. And yes it has been amazing, the energy it has given, and I look forward to seeing it tonight with no obstruction.
For me, personally, it is indicitive of the fact that I am reaching past all that is dogmatic, toward something primitive. Something truly immortal that may be seen by all.
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Re: moon energy?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
It's called drawing down the moon. In wicca they insist that they must draw the goddess into the priestess but really anyone can do this. You don't need to chant or stand in a particular position to draw down the moon. You are not drawing the goddess(god) into yourself either because god is already there. What you are doing is strengthening the connection you have with the moon and the universe (god).

When you focus your attention on the moon you are focusing up, out and away from the earth. You can not only see the moon but the stars in the sky, (the universe). It tends to be stronger than if you draw down the sun because you can't look at the sun and still see the stars in the sky, unless you catch it right in the morning or evening.
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Re: moon energy?
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Perhaps that is why I love to be away from town. Street lights house lights. Just the moon and stars. So much energy and beauty offered by the universe.
If the moon is not too bright and the skies clear enough, the black sky and bright stars are my favorite skrying pool.
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Re: moon energy?
Post # 6
I've always had problems sleeping as the moon waxes..

the power of the moon is as palpable as that of the sun, and her shining beauty draws many eyes..

Many connect to gods or goddesses via the Moon, and it is a very good place to do so.

Kts definatly has the right track here :)
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