a white cat

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a white cat
Post # 1
me and my mom have a white cat with one blue eye and one yellow eye she is so pretty but some people think thier worst luck than black cats, and weve had alot of bad luck... but it's been going on since my mom was little could she be cursed or what?
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Re: a white cat
Post # 2
Tell me who is that person and I will try my best to curse him/her!

Well let me explain this since I know a lot about cat. First of all I must congratulation to you. Because this is a very rare type of cat. The name is called "double eye colors cat" You shouls feel lucky because you have this cat. And yet it is snowy white in color. I think that she is very beautiful.

And please, DO NOT AND NEVER throw it away! Your family have a lot of bad luck maybe they are cursed. NOT BECAUSE OF THAT BEAUTIFUL RARE CUTE CAT!!! Tell your mother what I told you today!!!

And please, black cat is not bad luck!!! But it is opposite when you dreamed it, especially you dreamed its black cat dead body. Remember what I said and please love the cat!
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Re: a white cat
Post # 3
we love our cat and she loves us! as for the bad luck i don't know who did it maybe a woman named becky she was a jealous b. and she used magic.
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