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Post # 1
holy spirit, you who solve all problems,
light all roads,so that i can obtain my goals.
you who give me the devine gift to forgive and forget all the evils against me,
that and all instances in my life, you are with me. i want this short prayer
to thank you for all thngs and confirm once again,
that i never want to be separated from you even in spite if all material illusions
i wish to be with you in
eternal joy and thank you for your mercy towards me and mine.

this person must say this prayer 3 consecutivedays.
After 3 days, the favor requested will be granted,
even if it seems difficult,
the prayer must be published immidiatly after the favor is granted....N.K.
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Re: pray
Post # 2
So your saying that if I say this to the christian god for 3 days streight, he'll basically grant a wish or something?

Elaborate for me here.
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Re: pray
Post # 3

Uh, basically yeah... and probably yeah.. but be careful what you wish for.. since it all manifest in different ways..
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