
CovenFirst Path ► spells.
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Post # 1
After i get meditation down, I was wondering if you know a really basic spell or something of the sorts that is easy to cast.

Re: spells.
Post # 2
Protection spells are always best to start with.

We will get to spell creation and casting, I promise lol.
The reason we haven't yet is because it's a process to getting them to successfully work. We start with meditation, energy awareness, and then focus and visualization.

Without being able to focus and control your energy, spells are nothing more than words and hope.

If you would like do work on some protection techniques while improving your visualization skills and energy, pm me.

Re: spells.
Post # 3
Oh ok i understand, one more question though. How important is the third eye, and how do you use it. Like how to open it.

Re: spells.
Post # 4
The third eye is a fairly important thing in magick and can be helpful in the world in general. It's responsible for visions and other psychic abilities as well as a way of opening yourself up to your higher self and astral projection.

One good way to open it, is by working on your charka's.

There is a thread in this forum pointing to a very useful website on what each charka does, as well as a test to find the open ones or under active ones...and how to open them completely.

Take a look at it and if ya need any help let me know. Sometimes your chakra's can be opened by others in a time of need.

Re: spells.
Post # 5
To add on to what our lovely priestess said Spells are merly Prayers that you put your enegry into. I woudlnt suyggest going to spells right away but practice meditation for a while and learn how to manipulate your energy

Re: spells.
Post # 6
I know they contribute to Spell casting, but are wands, athames, candles etc. really necessary?

Re: spells.
Post # 7
Excellent question!

Are they necessary? Not at all. To work spells without them can be considered high magick. It takes a deep understanding of personal energy and manipulation.

That being said, there is NOTHING wrong with using tools to cast spells, and we will cover them here soon. Many religious aspects of magick use tools. We teach it to beginers to help them get a sense of what they are doing to see results before moving onto the advanced stuff.

There is NOTHING wrong with using tools...and we will encourage the use of them here...but once you become more comfortable with magick itself, know that tools are simply that. A tool. Not a requirement to practice.

Re: spells.
Post # 8
I could not agree more with what TheHealer said.
Thats one of the reasons we will be encouraging you to each write your own spells as you grow.
It helps to infuse them with your energy,and desires when you write them your self,but for starters its perfectly fine to borrow a spell or alter an existing spell to meet you needs

Re: spells.
Post # 9
What about a book of shadows? how do you create one?

Re: spells.
Post # 10
Hehehe...ok Mr. Excited calm down lol.

A book of shadows is a book of your magickal journey. Spells, meanings of herbs or colors, things that have worked, things that have failed.

Once we get into focusing energy to one concentrated area..we will start to cover BoS, tools and how to cast spells. It's almost the weekend. Nodrk and I will work on more lessons I promise lol

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