What a spell really is

CovenFirst Path ► What a spell really is
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What a spell really is
Post # 1
Before you get excited this post is to explain what a spell is and how it works.
***Break it down!
Now when many first start magic they automatically want spells before they even know what a spell is.
A spells is a mini version of a prayer. Like most spells/ prayers you have to realize that without using energy they are just a bunch of words.

Think of a spell as a poem, Each spells has a verse or two. Each word in the spell should be able to describe what your are casting the spell for.. For example

Lord and Lady, Goddess and God
I am of you as you are of me
You bless us with peace and harmony
Allow me to bring the peace and harmony unto myself
right here right now
for the good of all
For as long as i have the will
shall i lead the way

Now this is a spells asking whatever god you believe in to grant you tranquility, balance, ect

If you wish to start off a spell that will be invoking the powers of your deities or the energy your use, you can use the beginning phrases

Lord and Lady, Goddess and god, Mystical force and so on
Anything that invokes or catches the interest of whoever or what ever you are asking.

If you wish to ask questions or add on soemthing please post

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