Something very weird...

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Something very weird...
Post # 1
I've explained this to some of you in the chatter but I just want to inform everyone else who I haven't told because this I find EXTREMLEY surreal: Usually I don't use Tarot cards, but a couple of days ago I wanted to ask a question on the Tarot page of this site which is when I noticed the strange image; on the homepage of the site where it has the Tarot card tab and two Tarot cards as icons, well if you look VERY closely at the Emperor card you can see a U.F.O. in the background. I did some research and discovered that the Emperor card has a relation to faery lore. I've been working on this theory with alot of evidence that faeries are the hosts of U.F.Os and this is a great back-up, but I just wanted to ask why the person who created that card added in a U.F.O. and whether it is a sign.
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Re: Something very weird...
Post # 2
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Re: Something very weird...
Post # 3
Yes, the things that people experience when encountering aliens and U.F.Os are VERY simalair to experiences with faeries e.g. in U.F.O. lore, metallic objects (particularly iron) can kill them, this is the same with faeries, or aliens being able to shapeshift, this is the same with 99 percent of faeries and the Irish Shidhe fae looks exactly like the grey alien.
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Re: Something very weird...
Post # 4
hmmm so really people are seeing faeries and that means the government is trying to learn about faeries LOL tell the to look up fae next time you see a "ailen"
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Re: Something very weird.
Post # 5
Yeah, except that a. Aliens dont have wings. B. Aliens range in size from slightly smaller or larger than the average small or large human and fairies range in size from a small bird to a butterfly. Any thing smaller would be a pixy and anything larger would be a cherub to an angel.
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