Assignment 9

CovenDivine Spirits ► Assignment 9
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Assignment 9
Post # 1
Our ancestors used to eat based on the cycles of the seasons. They were aware of where the food came from and would honor the spirits for offering up a good harvest, and would give offerings for ones that weren't so good. Think about how you eat, do you eat to the cycles of the seasons? Soups and stews in winter? fresh fruits and vegies through spring and summer? Grains in the fall?

Think of some different foods that you would like to try and where they would fall in the cycle of the seasons.

The second part of this assignment is write a blessing for you food, and implement it. If you wish to share your thoughts or blessing you can post it below.

Re: Assignment 9
Post # 2
Blessed be the hands that made the food,
Blessed be the hands that worked the fields and farmed what is present
Blessed be those who ingest the food
Blessed be all who walk the path, and are nourished by the food
So be it.

This is mine.

Re: Assignment 9
Post # 3
My food blessing is..
(I sprinkle salt and pepper on everything I eat and I do mean everything lol)

I thank mother earth as I sprinkle ground sea salt on my food
I thank father sky as I sprinkle ground black pepper on my food
I thank alpha and omega for the nourisment this food gives
and give thanks to the animal(if eating meat/poultry) that sacrificed it's life to nourish our bodies
In love and light.

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