This is my random thought on balance and duality. I have came to the conclusion that theyre the very same. Balance is how we describe the universal understanding of cant have one with out a counter part to keep it even. The whole idea behind duality is so it keeps everything on a even playing field without over polarizing one way or another. For the sake of argument well use the example of life and death. You simply can not over do one side or another because it would have detrimental effects on the nature of things. By that I mean if everyone was immortal for the lack of a better term, the earth would be completely over populated or vice versa. This is why nature has a way to keep it under control i.e. war, diseases, so on and so forth. In this idea note that in order to keep things from getting to overwhelming that duality is found within the very structure of universe or so from my exploring has lead me to believe. Yes that includes the Astral and etherical planes. However there is a loop whole in that especially when dealing with planes and its beings. I have found that despite what certain paradigms have to say that , they all work together to make the world go around. Especially when you get into different areas in life you seem to find that. However I enjoy working with diverse beings from arch angels to arch demons and cant forget deities. Yes deities are there, but whether or not you want to acknowledge them is clearly up to you. But I think like all things theres good bad and neutral. I also think its always wise to expand in that area so youre not narrow mind about the beings that walk in light. And again thats where duality comes in because you can not have light without darkness in the workings. It all goes back to the primal light and dark and the Khaos theory. Which in my study is stressed in all paths. Dont get me wrong its not a perfect system in the human perception because it can be twisted and consorted to fit our needs. But on a deeper consciousness level it works simply because its at its purest form. Basically all im saying is its there so embrace with to stay on an even keel and not over polarize in just one area and not the other, which the best case to do any path whether it be Christian or your own path without a label.
Re: My random ramblings. By: Maat_
Post # 2 May 07, 2011
Please ignore the bad grammarical errors there. it posted that way and i apologize for that.
Re: My random ramblings. By: FrozenRose
Post # 3 May 08, 2011
This is really great ramblings Maat. I have always wondered about this (actually have to do a project for language arts about Good and Bad), and this trul helped me alot. Though it's true that one cannot live without the other, many continue to try to change the way of life.
Re: My random ramblings. By: Maat_
Post # 4 May 08, 2011
Actually it's just as it is Duality. it's not about Good/ bad etc. It's a lot deeper than perceptions. It's more on the universal balance rather just what we consider balance.
Wow....just wow... I terribly enjoyed reading this Maat, You've managed to reach my confusion point in my brain than again it cleared few things than again..Mystery...
This is a deep post indeed and in my opinion you have done a great job on the researching you did because this can not be written without knowing the half of the truth and this is true...
the whole truth...i don't really want to know and it is not meant for people to know it, why things are happening and not....It will spoil the "fun" after all :D
Great post Maat keep it that way ;)
Re: My random ramblings. By: Maat_
Post # 6 May 10, 2011
thanks. and it's not really researched per say. It was just a random thought i had. just one of those "knowing" things i do :P
Re: My random ramblings. By: Marked1
Post # 7 May 11, 2011
New statement "There is duality in balance, but is there always balance in duality?"
Yes both seem really similar, as duality involves two poles. Male/female .. positive/negative .. in/out .. up/down. Both opposites of an enity, space and or energy co-existing in the same space. But not to be confused with "in harmony" as in harmony refers to its balance. 8 males and 20 females in one room would symbolize duality, but in no way would one find balance at face value. So for a world or universe to work in harmony balance must be kept; so therefore either 12 new male births would have to occur or 12 female deaths would have to occur...or even a mixture of both in order to find balance in that room from a base face value.
Now let's say that same room is a room of manual labor, and say 6 of those females could pull the same load as the males. Now without any change the ratio is balanced.
Much like the world around us balance can be met in a variety of ways. Thus depending on the perspective and how in depth you choose to take the thought, the statement can be proven to be correct. Just as one pole can not exist without its counterpart, balance is always kept. And thankfully so, could you imagine this universe all male or all female? One way or another it would self destruct.
Maat I love your ramblings, I do hope you choose to post much more in the area of thought provoking topics. :)
Re: My random ramblings. By: Maat_
Post # 8 May 11, 2011
of course bro however. remember polarites (genders and what not) can change where as duality in itself can not. Can not leave out that factor :p Somethings change but the "balance" remains the same despite the polarities unless you get too far into one way of a path and that scale gets tipped.
Re: My random ramblings. By: Marked1
Post # 9 May 12, 2011
My Sis has a good mind on her shoulders :D
Re: My random ramblings. By: Maat_
Post # 10 May 12, 2011
Woot! I think i just impressed my brother Bwahahhah