
Forums ► General Info ► where

Post # 1
where is this war taking place and when
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Re: where
Post # 2
OH NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Yet another post on the "war". Hasn't there been enough time and energy wasted on this "war". Get a grip on reality!!!!!!
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Re: where
Post # 3
so you dont believe the war is going to happen?
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Re: where
Post # 4
Obviously you DO NOT READ the other posts on this "war" or you would know what I believe in this regard.
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Re: where
Post # 5
yeah, i got tired reading them all
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Re: where
Post # 6
Yet you chose to read this one, interesting...... Anyway, here is my opinion from a previous post

"You think this is a new concept? That demons will come here and try to take over? If this is the "war" you all have been speaking of then you all need to realize that this "war" is already here and has been here for a very long time. Since the beginning of time there has been the constant ongoing battle between good and evil. Demons freely walk among humans now and go unnoticed until something happens and then the world calls it headline news! I do not understand all this talk of "war" though I know there are countless posts on the topic but most seem rather confusing or like something from a gaming manual. No disrespect intended. By the way...just who is to lead this army of defenders against the onset of demons? Just curious????"
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Re: where
Post # 7
actually from the subject, i thought it was something different
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Re: where
Post # 8
Yeah me too! Perhaps to make it less confusing and less time consuming for those of us who have read enough on the "war", the "war" could be given its own forum topic heading. Bet there would be many new topics and posting there. LOL No disrespect intended to you fargoth.
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Re: where
Post # 9
none taken
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Re: where
Post # 10
I was bombarded with hints of war but never an official saying, I made a thread also in HOPES of it becoming official of what it is in its full detail but yes...there were more hints than full information, so I left it like it was since nobody was actually telling the full story.

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