Ok,I am very interested in enchanting different items for magical purposes and I already have found a way to enchant(mostly a weapon) in an easy way that uses Psychokinesis.
For general info on psychokinesis give a look to this site:http://psi.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Psychokinesis
Let's assume you want to imbue the weapon (i.e a dagger) with fire.For that you must use Pyrokinesis.
1-Perform some sort of Pyrokinetic Power-Up.
2-Grab the dagger from its blade(as the metals are more apt in absorbing energy(especially heat&electricity).
3-Focus on your Chi/Psi.Imagine(Visualize) it as a fire that flows from your body and enters the dagger blade.Visualize the dagger blade(blade only) absorbing the fire and growing hotter and hotter with each passing moment.
4-Visualize the blade becoming orange,like molten and fires and sparks coming out of it.Do so until you feel the temperature is growing too much.
5-Program the energy to re-draw the heat released into the air,like it is breathing,inhaling and exhaling the heat.
5-When you feel the weapon overheating,slowly leave it down into a table or something.Do not loose contact immediately.
6-After you loose contact do not keep your hands too far,but go on and add energy into it.
7-Stop the Enchanting process when you feel the item is enchanted.
NOTE:You can do this with every sort of energy,not just fire.
This is only a basic enchantment using the Chi/Psi.But I want other enchantments.I want to enchant an item to bring me good luck or make me stronger(by leeching energy from other people into my body and make it stronger,more enduring,more muscular) or something like to absorb my pain and so on.
Can you please tell me how to do such sorts of enchantments?
One,your not talking about where it actually bursts into flames or anything right?Because if so,you're looking into the wrong area,if not.Okay then.And two,why would you use energy from others and not yourself for personal benifet (I think that's how it's spelled) third of all,magick isn't to be used as a shortcut for life,and it isn't meant to be. Sorry if that wasn't your point about that,but I just didn't stop talking.
No,neither I meant that the weapon would burst in flames like in fantasy books/movies/games.
Technically speaking,it is possible,if something like 10 or 12 expert pyrokinetists would do the enchanting but even then the heat would ruin the blade's steel.
As for the strength/energy draining part,I know some people who misuse the strength they have and I need more energy cos' I get easily tired and alot of headache this last few months.
What exactly are there points of these "enchantments" ?
In all honesty, everything that a trinket can do, pertaining to energy of course, as you seem to be focused on, a person can do with so much more efficiency. As for luck, wealth, and all those others small things, spells are adequate. In the end, the need to make a danger warm is not so useful, because, what achievement or difference to the dagger does you, above mentioned, method actually achieve? What does it change within the dagger?
Ok.A person can do the same thing with much more efficiency,but a person can't keep 24/7 draining energy from people.
A trinket can be programmed to drain energy from person X until a certain point and transfer it to you.The trinket will do it 24/7.
A person Y can drain from this person X only while meditating,not during the whole day.
As for warming the blade,it has no point.It's just one form of enchantment.As I said,it is not the form of enchantment I want.
"A trinket can be programmed to drain energy from person X until a certain point and transfer it to you.The trinket will do it 24/7.
A person Y can drain from this person X only while meditating,not during the whole day."
A trinket can only do this if you will it to, and thus, no matter what, you use energy to gain it. Now, entertaining this notion of enchantment, for the hell of argument, a trinket will drain energy, thus draining yours as well. If it can differentiate, it is because you are focusing will into it to allow such, and this, it is still you and not the trinket.
More so, energy manipulation is something that can be performed without the need of a still state of being, physically. One's mind and focus can still be heightened in a state of movement, if these skills are honed on and practiced. Thus, your enchantment is, if it works, a crutch you are dependent on, inefficient, and still, ultimately, your own power working through it. In the end it's you, learn more of energy manipulation.
So you're saying that one such trinket is not only needless,but may drain my energy as well?
But what about other functions i.e:Good Luck(I mean Extremely Good Luck and Fortune)?
A spell works just as well. Enchanting a trinket with good luck is no different from carrying around rabbit's foot, or just calling something a lucky item.