I don't practice dark arts to much because of some consequences that it might cause especially when 3 fold law is in action at every spell i cast.According to the book i have be to an immortal to be invulnerable in any spell i cast.But i practise psi ball and kineses in self defense.I've never used a spell in protecting or attacking an individual.
In same way as you can use your physical body to fight you can use your life force energy to compliment that action at same time .That is something pretty much used in internal martial arts such tai chi ,baguazang .Those are called neijia or "internal school ".However their phylosophy is based on the idea that whoever attacks loose his center and therefore is out of balance and balance can be easely ristored by further taking him out of balance or simply using your life force to push back the enemy energy and attack .Some of the masters can actually even take the blow and just defuse the energy in not harmful way so no internal organs are affected .It has same effect to push ball into water in the moment you release your pushing force the water pressure will push the ball away and back in its first position .Using your energy in this way requires extreme mental focus ,willpower and extended physical ,emotional and energy training .Masters just came to realize that we are all one so there is not need for combat or fight thus it is rarely really used to cause serious harm .
And also lets not forget that our energies are always interacting in real life with all people around us if someone is very offensive against you and openly emotionally aggressive he or she can affect your life force by affecting your emotions and energy .Hence there are in existance so called psi vampires who take advantage of this simple rule .Also some people have overhelming energy that can surpress your own just because they can project more that you do their thoughts and emotions outward (hence the so called evil eye ).We incorporate all of this every day without realizing .I would not call that combat magic it is rather energy interaction that goes around all the time .Once you start realizing what is happening with your energy flow and the person involved you can easely restore the energy balance without someone actually being harmed by simply applying will to keep your focus and to control your emotions and energy .It is matter of balance whoever loose his balance fails ,same as in aikido whoever looses the balance ends up on the floor .Energy has its ebs and flows as water inside and outise us we can go against it or we can go with it and use it for our own good and for other people good or opposite it is choice that me make every day wilingly or not .