Ok so I have a best friend, that I talk to a lot, but don't tell her everything. I have not told anyone about my religion, in fear I will be considered mental. I want to tell my best friend about me being a witch, but I am even too scared to tell it in a video. I guess I just want someone that understands me, and Im too scared to tell anyone...they may think Im a freak. Please help!
Hello blue, well i know how you feel about this becaues i am the same situation as you are in. I have friends and family who don't know i like wicca, the occult or magick. And i am too afraid to tell them becaues a lot of my family belive in god and heaven etc. So its very hard to know what they would say. And i am also a medium and i haven't even told them i am medium also. And i want to tell them myself but i am still too afraid too. So just keep everything to myself for now. And if you want to tell your best friend then she should understand you and be there for you no matter. Friends are suppose to be there to support one another no matter what they believe in or what they like to do.
Everyone has their own rights and opinons. I know some people can accept for what you are or what you do. So only do this if you feel comfortable telling her. Don't force yourself to do something you don't want to do. Just go what feels right too you, this your decision to make.
i think u should at least tell your best friend you never know she may support you and your decision. it took me 2 or 3 years before i could tell people cause i thought everyone would start hating me for it but i realized that if they start to not like you just because of your religion than your friends just may not really be your friends. once i told my friends they laughed at me for thinking that they would hate me. plus i learned that a good amount of them share the same religion as i do and the ones that don't just don't really care cause all they really cared about was the type of person i am. sometimes it's ok to keep things like this to your self but not for tooo long or else you'll become even more paranoid about what people will think. so just try telling your best friend but only when you're ready but don't wait tooo long or else you can possibly lose your friend for not telling her everything cause when u have a best friend the golden rule is to tell them everything eventually but without waiting to long to do so.
i know but we are so young and i think that she would think I'm odd in a way...were not best best best friends, we have been best friends for maybe 2 years.
ok than i suggest waiting about 2 or 3 more years than before telling her to make sure that when you do finally decide to tell her you will know for sure of how she may act or sometimes just randomly bring up the subject of being a witch and to see what her response is if it's not negative than you know that when your ready to tell her she wont freak out on you or at least she wont freak out to much and learn to accept you for who you are.