Alchemy the Craft

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Alchemy the Craft
Post # 1
I have done much research into Alchemy/Hermeticism. I have found much information alot of which is a purposeful mis-interpretation of the spiritual work of alchemy. (Sorry for any spelling/gramatic errors that may ensue)
One of the biggest mis-interpretation of this old craft is of the selfish and greedy view of alchemy. I refer to the conversion of base metals into gold. This was deliberate of Alchemists to 'hide' the spiritual meaning of thier beliefs behind science, as to avoid discrimination, even death within a christian world.
As an Alchemist there is a strive for a 'Perfection' of ones self. It is not to become perfect persay, but to truly understand ones self, to accept this self. It is very much a balancing of ones energies to become one who is connected once again with the divine.
The most aggrivating belief of Alchemy I have come across in my research is classified as the first rule of this Craft is "The beginning of this Divine Science is the fear of the Lord and its end is charity and love toward our Neighbour" - The Hermetic Arcanum. This is not the case, One thing that is taught/learned through the Alchemical craft is that we are divine creatures being human, not human trying to be divine. It seems odd to fear something of what we are. Everything is from the Divine as many of us already believe.
With that being said a lesson to be learned, whether Alchemist or not. If we are Divine creatures then any of our magickal powers are of what we are, the only barrier left is to get past the walls that have been created in our lives and become open once again to what we truly are to harness that power which we have, Divine.
On the surface the method in which Alchemists go about achieving this balancing and returning to our truths on the surface resemble much of Chakras. There are Seven Major Processes in Alchemy - Calcination, Dissolution, Seperation, Conjunction (Lesser Stone), Fermentation, Distillation, and Coagulation (Philosophers Stone).
Here I will give a rough breakdown of these Major Processes. The Chemical, Philisophical, Psychological, A "worldly" view on it, and the Chakra in which each corresponds.

Re: Alchemy the Craft
Post # 2
chemically- heating a substance until it is reduced to ashes
Psychologically -destruction of ego and attachements to material possessions
Physiologically-a fit body(burning off excess from over indulgance
'Fire of Creation'
Root Chakra
Chemically-dissolving of the ashes of the calcination in water
Psychologically-letting go of control, further breaking down of artifical walls of the phsychy, allow the surfacing of supressed thoughts
Physiologically-continuation of opening chakras
'Great Flood - Cleansing'
Sacral Chakra
Chemically-isolation of the components from dissolution, by filtration and discarding any unworthy or ungenuine material
Psychologically-process of rediscovery of our essence and reclaiming of dream or visionary gold. review formerly hidden material, letting go of our self restricting nature
Physiologically-control the breathe of the body to give birth to new energy
'Formation of land masses'
Naval Chakra
Conjunction: (Lesser Stone)
Chemically-recombination of saved elements from seperation into a new substance
Psychologically-empowerment of our true selves, a union of the male and female sides
Physiologically-bodies exual energies to perform transformation
'Primordial life forms are created from the energy of the sun'
Heart Chakra
Chemically-growth of a ferment bacteria in an organic solution
Psychologically-inspiration of spiritual power from above that reanimates
Physiologically-arosing of living energy
'evolution of life to produce higher states of conciousness'
Throat Chakra
Chemically-boiling and condensation of the fermented solution to improve its purity
Psychologically-adjitation and sublimation of psychic forces is nessissary so no impurities of the ego are present, in preperation of the final step
Physiologically-raising of the life force
'realization of higher love'
Third Eye Chakra
Coagulation:(Philosophers stone)
Chemically-precipitation or sublimation of the purified ferment from distillation
Psychologically-new confidence, highest aspirations and evolutions of the mind
Physiologically-release the elixer in the blood that rejuvinates the body into a vessel of perfect health
'Return to the garden of eden, intune with the divine mind'
Crown Chakra

Re: Alchemy the Craft
Post # 3
Note, the Philosophers stone is a spiritual thing - it does not exist as most of us know it to be. By obtaining the Philosophers Stone one is able to turn base metals("Lower processes") into gold("Divine, 'Materials' of use to ones self"). By reaching this 'Evolved' state of mind it enables the Achemist(even other practitioners) to take even the most broken and useless materials that come to them and turn it into something useful.
With the inclusion of the Chemical processes an Alchemist/Herbalist/Brewer/etc. are able to perform as Alchemists use to. These scientific process Alchemists used where to help them better understand the spiritual side of there beliefs.
Personal view on this, If you are able to see hard work and dedication turn into something more pure and potent it can help one believe more in thier works to better themselves. A rough example, you may believe in ghosts and spirits but if you have never seen one, never felt one, experienced anything of a spiritual nature then there will almost always be a slight amount of doubt and disbelief in your mind about it.
I hope this 'rough' article is useful to the coven and those who take the time to read it. Here is a link to a video I found that goes into more depth on the history of Alchemy, as well as a more indepth explination of each of the Major Processes.

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