Basic spell casting

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Basic spell casting
Post # 1
Hi, I'm proph.

Basic spell casting is something almost everyone has done, but for those who haven't, I write this.
1) Wands, staffs etc. Are NOT required. They are simple amplificants to any spell.
2) Candles are representatives (black for dark intentions like cursing etc.)
3) Gems are like candles, they're used as representatives to steer a spell in a certain direction or to power it.
4) NOT EVERY SPELL WORKS. I feel the need to put that in caps because so many people cast a spell, it fails, and they give up and call magick fake. It takes time, improvement, before casting a spell is possible.

Quartz is a great amplificant, I call it the multi-purpose gem because it can be used for basically anything, it's not tied to a certain path or type of spell. Amethyst is mainly used for protection, as a ward, etc.
Using quartz won't guarantee success, but it will boost the effect of the spell If it works. Herbs are also a great thing for spells, like sage is good for a ward, and Protection.

Well I hope this helped.
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