Spells for Third Eye

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Spells for Third Eye
Post # 1
Are there any working spells for opening/awakening the third eye?
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Re: Spells for Third Eye
By: / Novice
Post # 2
no spell really that i know of. i've got a few tea's that help with psychic abilities and spirit work, but the third eye, as far as i know, can only be opened by working on it. i think chakra's can only be opened by cleansing them yourself while meditating.
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Re: Spells for Third Eye
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
The third eye is yes, as previously mentioned something you have to work on. However, there are multiple ways to open chakras.
You can use spells to assist, but, in the end, it amounts to your chakras and how open they are.
Commonly used is the very helpful guide here: http://www.eclecticenergies.com/chakras/open.php
The test also available from the site can show you what chakras you need to work on for stability. http://www.eclecticenergies.com/chakras/chakratest.php

Before you focus on your third eye. MAKE SURE YOUR BASE CHAKRAS ARE OPEN. Unstable chakras are bad for the soul. Keep yourself balanced and stable or you may be put at risk within you.
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Re: Spells for Third Eye
Post # 4
Spells cannot open one's third eye. Well you can try crystals or gemstones to open your third eye. Well place a crystal which helps to open your third eye on where the third eye is and meditate. This would help in awakening your third eye.
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Re: Spells for Third Eye
Post # 5


Their is no spells. If you would look at teh basics and study them you would know this. I suggest going back to the basics and learn about them.

And start with meditation of breathe then work on your root chakra and go forth on to that. Your third eye is the 6th main chakra out of the seven main. Again basics!

Common sense please when looking up spells their are a lot of fake spells on this site.

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