
CovenNatural Magick ► Meditation
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Post # 1

Well I know I am working on basics But here is a good start on adavnce and begginer meditation

I willm give a 5 stars to 1 star of the difficulty.

1 star means it is very simple

5 stars means it is extremely difficult.

So lets begin!

Emotional Mind

Three stars

Sometime meditating.. Our emotions take the best of us.

As such our thoughts or external distractions can make your meditation off track on what you are trying to accomplish.

Labeling our emotions will help us see a pattern thus help us see what we are doing and how we react and how we should react.

Before you begin with this meditation-

Take extra care to ensure that your meditation space is a silent and as comfrortable as possible. Review yourself with emotions you are currently aware of as you sit down to meditate.


Sit cross Legged on a cushion with your bottom slightly raised. If you cannot sit cross legged, sit on a chair. Keep your back straight. Your shoulders level and relaxed and your chin parallel to the floor. Lower your eyes and focus about three feet away in front of you. Rest your hands gently on your knees.

Breathe normally through the nose, using your abdomen rather than your chest. Check your posture. And relax any part of your body that is tense.

Lower your eyes and focus about three feet away in front of you. Rest your hands gently on your knees.

Begin counting your breath on each exhale and when you reach to ten begin again.

Notice what emotions arise when thoughts occur. Label the emotion such as Happiness or fear and return to focusing on your breath.

As you meditate accept any emotions taht arise. Begin to notice how emotions can be as ephemeral as your thoughts.

Meditate this way for a week. Notice if you become more aware of your emotions. In your day to day life. See if it becomes easier to accept your emtions perhaps not to be cared away by them.

Re: Meditation
Post # 2

Metta Meditation
By: Willow73 / Beginner
Aug 08, 2012

Hey guys :). So i wasnt sure where to post this so i figured i'd just post it here. For those of you wanting this article on metta meditation, here it is.

"Metta" or, "Loving Kindness" meditation will help you come to peace with people you dislike or people who have done you wrong. It will allow you to expirience unconditional love for everyone (Yes, every living being), relieving the "need" or want for black magick. (person who origonaly wanted this was actually asking for a spell to harm another, i recommended this as an alternative.)

1. First... Sit in a comfortable position. One that you can sit in for at least 20 minutes. Then, regulate your breathing. but only at first. Inhale for the count of four, exhale for the count of 6. Do this, and you will notice yourself becomming more relaxed, and able to take deeper breathes. Now, inhale for 4, exhale for 8. Do this for a few breathes, then allow your natural breathe to take over. You will notice that your natural breathe is more rhythmic and deeper.

2. Next, close your eyes, and allow yourself to relax even more deeply. Clear your mind. Any time a though comes through your head, aknowledge it, and let it go. Be passive, do not actively think about anything. If you do, let the thought go, and come back to your breathing, thinking "inhale" on inhales and "exhale" on exhales.

3. Once your mind is cleared, when you exhale, exhale any negative thoughts and emotions. Then, as you inhale, inhale positive thoughts and emotions. Once you have accomplished this, start to breathe into your chest/heart chakra (green). This is the center of love and compassion, and the focus of our meditation today. Feel and experience the energies of your heart chakra as you continue to breath into your chest.

4. Now, feel these energies washing over you. And i mean, really feel these warm, comforting energies of love and compassion filling your being. Do this for a couple of minutes.

5. Then, send these feelings out to someone that you care for. someone that you love a lot. Send out these feelings for a few minutes as well, as you will do up to step 8.

6. Send these feelings out to someone that you feel very neutral towards.

7. Now, send them out to someone that you hate. Someone that has done you harm, or given you reason to dislike them. If you can not open up to this person enough to send out these feelings, pick someone that you dislike a little less.

8. Now, send out these feelings to the people of you town. Then your country, and then to the whole world.

9. Once you've done this, countinue meditating for a while, still feeling yourself filled with the energy of your heart chakra. Do this for as long as you'd like. You should feel as though you have much less, if not no anger bottled up within you. You should be at peace if you have done this correctly. Practice every day, and the energies will get stronger and much easier to experience.

~Namaste & Blessed be :)

Re: Meditation
Post # 3

I would give this about 3.5 stars meditation.

Re: Meditation
Post # 4

Metta Meditation
By: Willow73 / Beginner
Aug 08, 2012

This is the dirt basics on meditation. This is where i start all my students at, and where i recommend ALL new beginners start.

NOTE: I like to play soft music when i meditate, though only do it if it wont distract you.

1. Sit in a comfortable position. This needs to be a position you can sit in for at least 20 minutes comfortably. Your spine must also be completely erect. Everyone looks at crossed legs as the go to meditation. I for one hate sitting with crossed legs. I usually sit in warriors pose (sitting on the heels) But everyone is different.

2. Control the breathe at first. Breathe in for a count of 4, out for a count of 6. once you have a hang of this, breathe in for a count of 4, out for a count of 8. Once you have a hang of this, let your breathe go naturally. you will notice you breathes are deeper, and more rhythmical.

3. Close your eyes and clear your mind. Do not actively think. You may have random thoughts. When this happens, aknowledge that the thought was there, and let it go. Come back to your breathing thinking "inhale" as you inhale and "exhale" as you exhale. The key to meditation is being passive. Do not control your thoughts. Just let them pass, and don't elaborate on them. Just let them go. This will keep your mind relaxed and calm.

4. Do this for at least 20 minutes (but don't interrupt your meditation to check the time). Just meditate for as long as you wish (though any less than 20 minutes will not be too effective)

5. Lastly... ENJOY meditating. don't make it a chore.

If this was done correctly, you should feel refreshed and energized.

~Namaste and Blessed be. :)

Re: Meditation
Post # 5

I say 1 star.

Re: Meditation
Post # 6

Spiritual Descion Making

Manifesting your dreams usually involves you making descions.

The meditation will help you bring a spiritual perspective to your deliberations,

What this meditation will help you?

  • Helps you make the best decisions
  • Encourages tapping into your higher self
  • Integrating the spiritual and material

As I have said decisions can be stressful and difficult, but less so if you engage your higher power in the process. Expanding your scope to include the effect of your decision on your soul and your spirit helps you make decisions that are right for you.

Try this meditation before going to bed if you have an important decision to make, Write about the issues in your upcoming decisions.

I know I did not finish this post but I will add some more if not all of this mediation tonight or tomrrow.

I saw that some one needs help with meditation and someone has done it over two months... No Matter how long you have done it their is always a new method to try such as this one.

When you about to do this meditation : Write about the issues involved in the upcoming descions.


Sit on a cushion or chair in your meditation space(If you do not know what this is I will explain it later on). Light a candle(One you believe would be of use to the question you seek). Then invoke your Higher power, whomever or whatever it is. Ask for help in making the desicion you are about to consider.
Bring to mind the decision you need to make. For example Whether or not to apply for a second job.
Go over in your mind the material issues such as Salary, status, and such. Then ask yourself how this will effect your spirit and your soul. For example will you be around positive people... Is the physical enivorment healthy? Will the work serve your self and the world? Will it add more stress? How will it effect socially? Will it interfer with your beliefs and meaning of life as well as purpose? These questions will lead you to finding more about the subject at hand then worrying over the descion.
Ask your Higher Power to help you answer these questions. Sit quietly and consider the questions that are important to making this decision. And do not worry if you do not get a direct answer.
End the Meditation and sleep on the issues before making your desicions. Let the Power of your subciounious help you.. And look for clarity in your awakening from sleep..

This is extremely useful for anyone... What will you use it for and how did it help you?

3.5 stars.

Re: Meditation
Post # 7

energy Meditation

1.5 stars

This is to help you with energy and manipulating energy. By doing this you will be able to feel your energies flow more efficent.. This is also a great Medatition that allows you move your body.

Stand with your feet about shoulders width apart.

Let your hands rest naturally by your sides, and grip the ground lightly with your toes. Look straight ahead.

You should exhale as your arms move outward and inhale when they move inwards. keep your breathing slowly, deep, and relaxed.

Raise your Arms slowly and smoothly until your hands are infront of your chest, the palm of your hands facing inward. Remember to exhale on the Outward movements.

Continue lifting your arms, turning the palms of the hands outward as they pass your face.As your hands move above your head the palms should be facing upward, the fingers pointing toward each other.

Push both hands up toward the sky, palms upward, arms as straight as you can make them. At the same time push into the ground with your feet , stretching your whole body from top to toe. Hold teh position for 1 second then relax and inhale.

When you trained for some time, continue upward from going right up onto your tip toes, holding the stretch for one second.

To continue

Repeat the exercise until you have done it 8 times.

Re: Meditation
Post # 8

Yin Breathing

This exercise is very relaxing. Sit down and rest your right elbow on a table. Put your right index finger on your forehead, Between your eyes.

Then close your right nostril with your right thumb and inhale until your chest is full, Then exhale just slowly until all the air has gone. Now release your right nostril and close your left one, Using your right middle finger. Breathe in and out again slowly. Repeat this 5 times.

1.5 stars

Re: Meditation
Post # 9

Totem animals

3.5 stars

This has been a subject I have not done in a while. I mean I think the last time I taught this was about two years ago. But anyways. Somethings you may need to learn before you go forth into the meditation.

In shamanic practices I have learned that it is easier to contact your power animal before ancient ones. The totem animals are extremely louder to beginners in shaman outlook. At least it is to me. For others it is a different story. As they are easier to hear they are easier to see. They can come to you as well as speak to you when you wish them to. Or they may come to you on their own. Some people refer them as animal Helpers.

Like ancient ones they are guides. They tell you what you need to know. They give you their immense energy. No shaman would ever go into sacred space without their animal helper. Any questions on this please message me and I will be happy to help you out. They can help you define your dreams as it has happen for me a few times to understand what my dreams meanings are. I find them to be one of the best interpreting ever.

On to meditation. I mediate daily and often meditate with my totem animals usually we meditate together with out speaking unless things bring to need to be speak of.

Step 1.
Close your eyes. Start on your breath. Deeply breath in letting your abdomen rise and fall. I suggest doing this twenty times. Allow yourself to become really relax.

Step 2
Create your sacred place. If you have not done this. I shall explain what a sacred place is. For my students in the past it is used to go to mediate in to relax or to help with depression. I even suggested this to some people with emotional issues. This place is a Nature area it is create by you and only you can enter it. I often imagine my sacred area to be a Waterfall among the woodland area in a Tundra area. Once you have your place. You need to make a connection to your place as you are the place and the place is you.

Step 3
Now once you have done step one and step two. Imagine a path. As you imagine the path way imagine the natural ideals of the place the wind the smell of the air. As you do this go forth and walk down the pathway. It will begin to go down hill slowly. The ground will become hard and small stones in the soul will become more secure as you walk upon the pathway. As you walk down the pathway you will cross a wooden Bridge underneath is a rushing river.

Step 4
As you begin walking on to the bridge you may hear echos. Often my students claim to have heard a steady drum beat. You are getting closer to what you are wishing to reach. Some times my students need to drop something into the river sometimes in respect or they just need to let something go.

Step 5
So you pass the bridge you shall see the path going slightly upward to a large meadow or field. When I first did this It was a wheat field. In the middle of the field is a circle space of short grassland walk towards it and once you reach to the circle of grass area. Place yourself sitting their. Then slowly Whisper For your totem animal to come to you.

Step 6
It may not appear. This sometimes happens if not just relax and enjoy yourself being their. And as such. I believe should try again. But for everyone else. I have had my students come to them from no where as others appear from a distance walking towards them. As it comes to you watch how it walks. Listen if they speak. Observe them carefully.

This is the beginning of many things to become. For more instructions or ideals send me a message.

~Cosmic Blessing~

Re: Meditation
Post # 10

Silent Night

2 stars

Before you go to bed at night, alone or with a partner, sit silently, look into the darkness. Become one with the dark, disappear into it. Look at the stars feel the distance, the silence, the emptiness, and use night for your meditation.

Sitting on your bed, or on your balcony, or in your garden, doing nothing...just feeling, just being there. The day is worldly, the night is more spiritual.

Over time you will feel tremendously in tune with night. The world is asleep. Everything stops, traffic, noises, the mundane world is quiet. People, their unconsciousness, bad attitudes, have all disappeared into sleep. The atmosphere is clean with no jarring note.

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