Ok this might sound stupid for most but it's really been playing with my mind. For a fair amount of years now I've just started loosing the plot I guess you could say. For example I'll think I heard someone yell out my name or screaming or just talking in general to me but no one will be, or i sometimes see something out of the corner of my eye or my eyes go really fuzzy or pixel like with my vision divided into a copious amount of little squares and some of them just look static like off a tv. Also I just break down and can't get things out of my head. Like just before I was just crying my eyes out because I was saying all these things to my self that really hurt my feelings and I wanted to stop and in my mind I was trying to but I just couldn't and I get mood swings like no tomorrow and just everything effects me where as nothing used to, I could just bottle it up, but yet sometime I just feel nothing at all. Also Ill get really hot flashes out of no where (and I'm a young male) when every one else is cold or ill feel freezing when it's not that cold. I'll wake up with random little cuts on me and some of them go away for a while then re appear the exact same as if it never healed or even I was in the shower the other day and my lip just spit like some one had cut it but not deep. And I know I'm not going insane because I've been to a psychologist and got the all clear. Even sometimes I just get urges to destroy stuff, which I never do of course but it's seriously killing me. I just need to know if anyone thinks that maybe I'm being possessed or possibly even tormented and if so what they recommend to do. Thanks so much!!
I don't know how old you are but puberty is always a potential for behavioural changes and mood swings, the bodies hormones just go nuts so there is the possibility of it being relatively mundane which would mean waighting it out.
Although there is a possibility that there is some form of spirit following or tormenting you. I'd recommend a banishing ritual to be on the safe side, there's no end to the number of them but some of the most popular are smudging sage and the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram.
I'm just about turning the corner of puberty so the mood swings and all I wasn't too worried about but the rest I was, it has calmed down a lot but it's still pretty bad as well, like when I used to even be out walking I could always feel something watching me and just felt uncomfortable. But thank you I shall try those indeed, was going to before but I thought I'd get an extra opinion first :)
Re: Possessed or tormented? By: Darwish / Beginner
Post # 4 Oct 08, 2012
Fear has a big eyes lol I would suggest you to meditate and burn some sage as Yakov suggested. It will calm your imagination and clear your mind and you will be able to say either if you are possessed or not. Blessed be
Any sound ceremonial magician or even Catholic priest would say that at the basis of all behavioral problems, it is a spiritual battle. That is why I am totally like! No way dude. Like be careful when you or if you start taking meds, because that can like totally lose yourself, because you could open your mind more to what is and could lead to demonic possession.
In a sense we are all possessed. It is one thing to notice demons in a person, but to encounter a full-blown possessed person, would be far-out. Like totally dude. Hey, at least you can control demons. They range and vary.
Catch you later bro. 'Lick-ity split.' Can someone post the rite or a rite of exorcism? I don't want it candy-coated, just the Latin.
Well, you can make your own holy-water. When you get done mixing the water, you can make it into holy water either by two ways. You can say an orison over it or you can use your mind's thought forms to cleanse the water. Any shall work. One can probably perform a rite of exorcism on any given person and probably make their demons, if any, manifest themselves. Demonology 101; if you want to take an unorthodox style to 'control' a person, command the demons. The chances are great. Exorcism just makes a persons demons manifest. Then once they manifest, that is when they can get dangerous, because it is their last draw, usually.
You know that omen, when you see something for what it is, that means its end is near, or in some instances, your end. Yeah, for now, since you deleted your account, I take that it's too late.
i know a demon called Irithum he is the demon of nothingness he torment's people and make them feel depressed and sad also he makes cut's on the victim and sometimes give's you the urge to destroy also he gives you a hot or cold body temperature if that's the case then do an exorcise or a banishing ritual or you will be possessed i hope that helped :D and i realy hope i'm wrong and Irithum it's not trying to take control :(