Hi,if it's not to much trouble,i was wondering if anyone had any infermation on the goddess hecate,i've done some research on her,i know that she is goddess of night,the moon(particularly the new or dark moon)ghosts,necromancy,sorcery/witchcraft and crossroads in the greek and/or roman pantheon,and the her symboles include dogs,crossroads,keys,the dark moon and the athame,in ancent times people would sacrifice black dogs and lambs to her at crossroads(but no,i'm not in the habbit of sacrificeing animals :) ) and i know that she has sometimes been called the goddess of the magicians,that she is also sometimes seen as the queen of witches,she is the only child of the titans perses and asteria,and some people beileve that she walks in the night with three black hunting dogs,and that she holds all wild beasts sacred,but creatures like owls,snakes and ravens are most sacred to her,and that there is a celtic goddess named carridwen who i think is a lot like her and i think that morrigon is too,does anyone know anything that i missed or was wrong about?or of any books besides book of the witch moon that talk about her? or websites? I thank you for your time.
I got most of the infermation that i mentioned from this website that i'll link to for anybody who wants to read it and also i read about her on wikipedia,here is the other website http://www.theoi.com/Khthonios/Hekate.html .
Before she was assoicated with the dark she was a healer lite bearer type goddess. Zeus was afraid to stand up to her or harm her. Dark goddesses and me have a strong connection. Feel free to message me i know a lot about them. Liliths blessings, cielo
There are two Hecates in greek mythology actually, so becareful about not mixing the two. Some believe they are one in the same but they are not.
"Hecate,daughter of Perses the Titan, is a very different person to the "Triple Hecate," who, according to Hesiod, was daughter of Zeus and a benevolent goddess. Hecate,daughter of Perses, was a magician, poisoned her father, raised a temple to Diana in which she immolated strangers, and was mother of Mede'a and Circe She presided over magic and enchantments, taught sorcery and witchcraft. She is represented with a lighted torch and a sword, and is attended by two black dogs."
Not many people know of this, and sadly, the myths of both tend to be mixed together to form one single person. I prefer the triple goddess Hecate to the darker titan's daughter.
Hecate or Hekate is a Titaness associated with Pregnancy and Childbirth (Her followers are Midwives) And most importantly
The Greeks saw Witchcraft as heresy and the Romans saw it as a naughty no no not a practice which could incur divine punishment.
She is no way related to the Night or Darkness AT ALL that is a Different Being altogether. Also finally in Roman religion she is the Patron of the Crossroads hence her relation to the Number 3.
Read the Illiad and various other resources before calling an Ancient Being the wrong thing
Iisbach is totally correct on this one. Unfortunately the facts and actual information regard Hekate has been butchered by other non-Grecian paths. Wiccans have done an excellent job of altering Hekate to almost a completely different diety. It is a shame. She is a very interesting deity. I suggest you look into Hellenistic paganism if you are truly interested in worshiping her.