working with spirits

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working with spirits
Post # 1
anyone teach me how to work with spirits thankyou blesses be
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Re: working with spirits
Post # 2
What kind of spirits were you looking to work with and what kind of work did you want to do with them?
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Re: working with spirits
Post # 3
any spirits and a spirit to give me more energy
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Re: working with spirits
Post # 4
I wouldn't suggest trying to take energy from a spirit, as it could potentially open you up to a number of nasty things if you were not properly grounded. Also, depending on the spirit, it could anger them.
If you are considering this, I would try and ask the spirit if it is ok for you to use some of it's energy. Even if it says yes, be sure that you are properly grounded and protected before you even try.
Again, I wouldnt suggest this as there are also many easier ways to receive energy than from a spirit and this method is probably not the safest.
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Re: working with spirits
Post # 5
how do i take energy from spirit
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Re: working with spirits
Post # 6
I am unsure of the exact way, but I am sure you could find an article somewhere. I was simply giving a few warnings and precautions
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Re: working with spirits
By: / Novice
Post # 7
from the spirits i've worked with, they take energy from you. i think you'd need to bind yourself or something to get energy from a spirit that's not your guide. personally, you can get energy many different ways that's safer, so why would you want to?
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Re: working with spirits
Post # 8
The spirit has to be willing to give you energy. If not, you're in trouble. You can't just take energy from them. They need energy to manifest and all. It really could go wrong easily, and how would you be prepared when you know nothing of this? You ask how but you don't even know the basics of spirit work, do you? I would suggest learning about that first and then later on do what you want. Spirit workings is nothing you learn overnight.
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