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Post # 1
Years ago i had a dream thats i was sitting down at a table with my family at a resturant. The window in front of us showed fish swimming just beyond kinda like an underwater aquarium.The other day my family and I went to a new resturantI( Watervale caroline springs) It had just open. This resturant looks exactly like the one from my dreams and even had a lake side view. I have hgad other dreams like a convo sation with my teacher(dream) and then at school the exact convo happend and i even had a dream about the exact car my dad was going to buy 4 years later.How am i having thses dreams and are they normal? please help and thanks for reading this.
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Re: Dreams
Post # 2
Actually, many people have dreams that occur later in life. For some, the time is relatively short others it is long and some people don't recall the dream. There is nothing wrong with having this type of dream.
Did you by chance mean to ask if your dreams showed a type of aptitude for the arts? If so, I would say it did. Everyone has the ability to preform the arts at some level. Some people are natural at cretin things. Either way, your dreams appear completely normal.
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