Half Demon-psi vamp

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Half Demon-psi vamp
Post # 1
Can anyone teech me to become a half demon or psi vampire

Re: Half Demon-psi vamp
By: / Novice
Post # 2
You can not become a half demon because they do not exist, just as you can't get a half cat half dog you can't get a half human half demon.

Whilst it is possible to drain another's energy by intent there's little point to it. Psi-vampirism is most likely not entirely how you think of it, it's just a regular person that drains some of the energy of those around them. The easiest way of learning how to do it would be through energy manipulation but as I say there's little point, all you'd really notice, if anything, is that people feel more negative when around you and not quite as energetic as usual.

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