wierd sensation

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wierd sensation
Post # 1
last night before i went to sleep i starting meditating
then when i was breathing in and out i kept getting this wierd sensation/feeling in my stomach
what could it be?
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Re: wierd sensation
By: / Novice
Post # 2
depends on what the feeling was, could be an upset stomach, could be energy pooling in that area. do some chakra work just to try and help the flow of energy, also try grounding to be safe. if it continues, don't know, go to your doctor i suppose.
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Re: wierd sensation
Post # 3
i done another meditation before and it felt like my head was shaking/moving and it was not it was still
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Re: wierd sensation
Post # 4
I think I've experienced this before. I don't remember it lasting very long. I suspect you are trying to enter a higher state of consciousness too quickly and your body is reacting. I recommend going slower until you are more used to this sort of meditation. Once you've have enough practice, you shouldn't have any problems.
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