Breaking a circle..

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Breaking a circle..
By: / Novice
Post # 1
If you have created a protective circle and the circle is broken for example be a cat running through it, what's the best way to proceed? If you're in the middle of a spell and something like that happens should you stop what you're doing and re- create the circle?
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Re: Breaking a circle..
Post # 2
a cat running through your circle would only break your concentration not the circle itself. though in a situation where the circle is broken I always close it and reopen it. Though others may have other ideas.
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Re: Breaking a circle..
Post # 3
My beliefs Circle is not for protection from physical things it only protect us and affect non physical forms like paranormal spirits energies etc so cat is physical so I dont believe it shall effect .... But spirits and energies can travel in physical things so they may come inside your circle through any physical thing or being maybe I preffer open and Recast circle
Bright Blessings
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Re: Breaking a circle..
By: / Novice
Post # 4
i lock my cat in a bedroom when i'm casting a circle. whenever this happens, be it a cat, or someone wandering through, i just quickly go around again, i don't call to the four directions since they're still there, but i go around and visualize the circle again. if someone wishes to leave for a moment, you can cut a hole in the circle and close it back up when you're done instead of recasting.
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Re: Breaking a circle..
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Many thanks for your feedback. I have never heard that you can cut a hole in a circle to let someone in or out. Could you kindly tell me how that works? Blessed be.
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Re: Breaking a circle..
By: / Novice
Post # 6
sway your athame back and for 3 times in a cutting motion above where your circle ends [try cutting a 'Z'] then tap your athame on the ground [if done outside my covenmates and i will stick the athame in the ground] your circle is open in that one spot, however big you made the 'Z'. when you come back it, pull the athame from out of the ground and make a reverse 'Z' then stomp your foot or whatever you do to symbolize the circle being closed.

we use to do that a lot when we were starting out because i would ALWAYS forget the wine or the chalice just outside the circle XD i make a checklist now.
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Re: Breaking a circle..
By: / Novice
Post # 7
Many thanks for such a detailed explanation.
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