soulmate binding

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soulmate binding
Post # 1
Is there a way to bind two souls together without altering true emotions and free will? My soulmate and i have lived many lives together but in many of them including this life we have met midlife, we are both magickal and are looking for a spell to help us meet very early in our next life so we can raise our family together and not go thru so many heartaches again. the only spells we have found pertain to our present life.
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Re: soulmate binding
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I wouldn't recommend playing around with this unless you're willing to accept any negative consequences. A friend of mine in a similar situation bound herself to her soul mate before moving back to the US. Unfortunately he died tragically and she now feels bound to his spirit. It's totally your decision and I understand why you want to do this but please be aware that there can be a flip side.
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Re: soulmate binding
Post # 3
Thats already going to happen in this life as i said we are soulmates and always find each other. So i am needing a spell for the after life so we find each other sooner the next time around. To answer your next question no we have not bound ourselves to each other in this life and we dont need to as we already subconsiously astrally project ourselves in our sleep and consiously while awake so we are always together.
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Re: soulmate binding
Post # 4

It wouldn't really be a soulmate binding then, unless you mean you desire to bind something into being; i.e. you want to bind into being that you two will meet sooner next go around.

It could be as simple as you two performing a spell in which you state your intention to meet sooner in the next life, to as complex as performing a ritual that brings all the elements in, uses both sigils and seals, calls on gods, goddesses, spirits, spirit guides, ancestors, and your own souls to cause this to happen in the next life.

Since you both are into magic, I would cook something up together, and make it both of yours. It is what I did when I ritually married my man. :)

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Re: soulmate binding
Post # 5

Im getting married the beginning of next year, and I totally get the feeling of theres more than just this lifetime together.. We met when we were 15 and 18 and were 29 and almost 32.... I know we got lucky enough to meet early in this life.. Were getting married by a friend who's an ordained minister who will make us not only partners in this life but anyother life forever... Maybe something like that, but since your both magical i bet you could cook something up, congratulations i bet your on cloud 9.. blessings

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Re: soulmate binding
Post # 6
Thank you that is what we decided to do and plan on doing it at a sacred place to us from a previous primative native american life we found. its a place that keeps calling to us spiritually like a home coming.
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