Lwa Met Tet

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Lwa Met Tet
Post # 1

The Lwa Met Tet

Everyone in this world has a Lwa that accompanies them. This Lwa is called the Lwa Met, meaning Master of the Head. Sometimes considered to be the Guardian Angel of the individual and ones personal guardian. The Lwa Met Tet can be a Rada lwa, Petro lwa or Gede lwa. You do not choose your mother or your father, just as you would not choose your Lwa Met Tet. The Lwa abides in the head of the individual and walks with this person until they are seperated at death. After so, the Lwa may leave or be inherited by someone else in the spiritual or biological family.

Apart from the Lwa Met Tet, the individual may have more LWa that "walk with him or her". These are important also as they assist the individual through life. Unlike Santeria or a number of other traditions, a person in Vodou may become possessed by a number of Lwa and not just their individual Lwa Met Tet.

The Lwa Met Tet cannot be identified so easily. It is considered offensive to ask someone who their Lwa Met Tet is. As the usual assumption is that the person wants this information to work wanga, or magick, against the individual.

The Lwa Met Tet cannot be identified with a simple reading, it is difined under a special ceremony. The Lwa is usuallly identified during a ceremony called Djevo during Kanzo, but can also be identified during a Lave Tet. However, knowing your Lwa Met Tet is not absolutely necessary although it can make an individual stronger by knowing as they can serve and honor their Lwa Met Tet if known.


Miss Chleo

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