hello my name is Sara and I've been a fan of magic since I could remember. One of the main reasons of this is because I have many ' abilities ' such as being able to control the weather. I really want to learn more of this because I've seen what many people can and I want to be able to do it. I'm also hoping that many of you can give me a hand cause nobody from my family knows, and I feel lost with no knowledge of what I can do. Thank you!!!
Re: Need some help and advice By: MahtziDex / Beginner
Post # 3 Jul 28, 2013
Mother earth is a being greater than us and we go by her law. You cannot directly control the weather but you can ask for it and hope that she complies with your request. I however have no experience with such things so I'm not the one to talk to about it with. Maybe some wiccans druids would be able to help you though. I'd suggest posting a thread on their fourms
People need to quit telling others what they can and cant do. Thats very rude and uncalled for, becouse Ive been told such things when I know better. JUST becous you cant do somthing dont mean someone else canot so people need to get over them selfs and quit downing others.
Re: Need some help and advice By: ThoraStorm / Novice
Post # 5 Jul 29, 2013
I agree with loki, I understand where you two are coming from, I do. However that is no way to greet someone new to this site and certainly not to our practice.
As for controlling the weather, I think if your just starting out than you should start at the basics. In the long run that will help you with your abilities and controlling them better. I can't say I controle the weather, but I have working with it before and its very erratic thing to work with. Mother nature is very independent and doesn't like controle, if you push her too much it may go the opposite way your meaning to go. I do agree that you should check out the druid threads, they might be able to help more. I don't like giving advice on weather magick, but that's a personal reason.
As for your other abilities I'm sure if you ask around and keep an ear out you can find some help with those as well. There are a lot of gifted people on this site.
Best of luck to you and welcome.
I can control the weather but it doesn't happen the very second I cast the spell, it takes time. And I am sick of people saying that I cant, because I can. (deal with it)