Plz help

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Plz help
Post # 1
Today i went to get my palms read and the woman told me that someone put a hex on me. She also said that i won't feel better health wise until its removed. Does anyone know how i can get rid of it without spending alotof money
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Re: Plz help
Post # 2
1. Research how and why this would happen and maybe find the hexes type. Then it can be reversed based upon complexity and materials used.
2. This may not be legit as a hex doesn't directly impede your health. If it did you'd be at a primary care physician(:p big words) and not a fortune teller/ psychic/etc.
3. They may have lied and tried to push you towards the curing services if someone who they are in kahoots with.
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Re: Plz help
Post # 3
She told me i was ment to have six children and that im due to be pregnant by the end of the year. She did the hex is keeping me from having more children and being happy. She told me i won't be happy and healthy until the hex is removed. What do i do
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Re: Plz help
Post # 4
That's so crazy...six kids... Well you could look for spells sch as these to help you out: (This one might be a little... Tricky)
That should suffice... If you try them all do the second one last as it seems the least likely to work. Hope I helped. :p
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Re: Plz help
Post # 5
Thank you. Im not real familiar with this kinda stuff. Is there a way to find out if someone really put a hex on u
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Re: Plz help
Post # 6
I'm not a real expert either but if you go to another fortune teller or something an they say the same(and haven't been communicating with the one you went to today.) then you'll know the answer to whether or not you're hexed. :p how old are you?
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