Throat Chakra : How To Op

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Throat Chakra : How To Op
Post # 1
I have been studying about Chakras and my Throat Chakra is overactive :)

Feel like sharing some tips to open Throat Chakra

1. Say everything outloud that you feel, dont worry, people will comment on you whether you speak up or you stay quiet!

2. Say hello to strangers, try to make friends, if the guy at McDonalds said Hi you should reply with something like "Hi, you are doing good", it helps, trust me!

3. Sing your favourite song, even if you are bathroom singer you should sing in your own voice..dont try to copy singer just modify lyrics according to mood and sing.

4. Teasing friends helps, its silly and not mentioned anywhere but when you tease and smile/giggle/laugh, it opens your blocked chakra.

5. Imagine you are a peacock with beautiful blue-green ball like structure in your throat...visualize yourself walking with that color and blue Aura!

6. Start drinking fruit juice or simply water and visualize all blockage clearing.

7. Stop drinking soda and alcohol for a while if possible

8. Talking more with other gender actually helps :)

9. If you feel angry or jealous just grab a paper and write it all down and burn it or throw it, dont hold, it damages throat chakra.

10. Talk more with people at shops, waiters, cleaners and others, its really important to forget about status/class or age while talking.

^ Above mentioned points are based on my research and my own experience, if you have any doubt please mail me :)

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