Magical Greetings!

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Magical Greetings!
Post # 1
I am a High Priestess Witch, the Wise Woman who relies on my intuitive understanding to gain wisdom. I am a hereditary Pictish Witch, of the MacPherson clan. My Pictish line began with Agnus Halcrow of Channerwick, Shetland ~ Scotland who passed in 1808. From Agnus, I am 7th generation of hereditary Pictish Witches.

I live by both the Kings of Scotland's motto:
"Nemo Me Impune Lacessit"
translated: noone provokes me with impunity

and the MacPherson clan motto:
"Na Bean Don Chat Gun Lamhainn"
translated: touch not the cat but the glove
The motto's meaning is: Touch not the cat (when it is) without a glove.

The glove of the wildcat is the soft, under part of his paw, and when assuming a war-like attitude, the paw is spread or ungloved revealing very dangerous claws. The motto is a warning to those who would be so imprudent as to engage in battle when the claw of the wildcat is ungloved.

I am the High Priestess of Boabhan Sith of Scathach Grove in Colorado. My Rite to Power Ceremony was held October 31,2003. I teach the Craft of the Witch to Student Witches of Scathach Grove with High Priest Witch Dragonrider and volunteer my time teaching a wiccan study group at the Delta Correctional Center (the prison) for the wiccan inmates through the Colorado Department of Corrections Faith and Citizen Program.

HPS Witch Morghann Scathach
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Re: Magical Greetings!
Post # 2
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Re: Magical Greetings!
Post # 3
Thank You, Moonspace!
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