The 7 Chakras.

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The 7 Chakras.
Post # 1
Each and everyone on earth has 7 chakras based in there physical body. Though according to hindu mysticism they only have 5 chakras, I believe its a matter of belief, many think different. It beens said over the years that if the chakras are blocked they can cause distress over on the spiritual and physical self... For example if your heart chakra was blocked you could find it hard to have a good relationship with someone. Your chakras are doors once they are fully open anything can pass through them. I believe that chakras are not the same colour for everyone, you can choose what colour your chakras are, its like we all have diffrent eye colour and we have diffrent personalitys, well that should be the same as chakras, we get to choose, how we work with them and etc...
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Re: The 7 Chakras.
Post # 2
Hindus believe in 7 chakra and many more smaller chakras. This entire concept is Indian and I am Hindu...

Those who want to activate/balance...grow plants around you, water them, dance everyday and sing songs you like. Stop smoking and drinking, increase veggies in food :)
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Re: The 7 Chakras.
Post # 3
Hindus believe in 7 chakra and many more smaller chakras. This entire concept is Indian and I am Hindu...

Those who want to activate/balance...grow plants around you, water them, dance everyday and sing songs you like. Stop smoking and drinking, increase veggies in food :)
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Re: The 7 Chakras.
Post # 4
i do not believe in the chakras.
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