I'm Psyched?

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I'm Psyched?
Post # 1
Sudden thoughts at random times pop into my mind in dreams and when I'm awake. These things from thoughts use to not happen often. But lately it almost always happen. These thoughts happen when I'm not thinking about. It feels different from other types of thoughts. Is it possible that I'm psyched?
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Re: I'm Psyched?
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
I'm confused as to how thoughts can be "felt", neccessarily. Outside of that, yeah. That happens to everybody. Say hello to your brain. ;-)
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Re: I'm Psyched?
Post # 3
Technically everyone has psychic potential within them, but there's almost no way to be sure whether this isn't just your brain messing with you since you don't have control over it. I suggest leave it as is, if it becomes inconvenient then I'd suggest seeing a doctor. If you begin having thoughts that end up being true about something you knew nothing about, then I'd look into psychics.
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Re: I'm Psyched?
Post # 4
Is there anything specific that's good in the physics I could look into?
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