communication with spirit

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communication with spirit
Post # 1
I have always wanted to be able to communicate with spirits. Since Halloween is round the corner, it will increase my chances of success.
Any suggestions of how to approach this?
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Re: communication with spirit
Post # 2
Communicating with spirits can be easily done, but should not be taken done lightly.Giving them an offering such as food (bread and water usually, unless you know said spirit, in which case give them something they would have liked while alive). Lighting a candle also helps as it gives them a steady supply of energy to pull from and makes it easier for them to communicate with you. If you are not aware psychically, then giving them a medium through which to speak to you is best. You can speak to them and simply record what you see, feel, and hear, for interpretation later. Now as for calling a specific entity a picture or memento will help to attract them (A loved locket, pocket watch, coin, etc.). As for speaking to them do so in the way you speak to anyone else. I should add that respect is necessary and don't be discouraged if there are no results the first time. As for the food you offered, bury it or burn it. I personally, would bury it.
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