Dissemble a Poppet

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Dissemble a Poppet
Post # 1
If you have come to the point that having the poppet you have made is no longer needed, or the poppet is old, or you have found a poppet and are not quite sure what to do with it, you can take these steps to neutralize it.

~wash the whole doll with whiskey
~say the lords prayer while washing the doll
~Then say:
You are no longer flesh and blood! I return you to the simple materials of which you were originally assembled and disconnect any spiritual, physical, or magical connection to this world. In the name of the most Holy"
~Then intone the four names of God:
Yod Heh Vav Heh Eheieh Adonai, Ah geh la ah

It is now safe to take the doll apart and burn, you can take the ashes to the crossroads to be scattered, or bury it at the crossroads.

Dr. E
Cat Yronwode
The Black Folder
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Re: Dissemble a Poppet
Post # 2
That was interesting. I never did it that way.
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