Vinegar spell jar

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Vinegar spell jar
Post # 1
Hi everyone, I'm new to this site and had a few questions if anyone can help me out. I am working on a vinegar jar spell. I have found that the jar is leaking and am afraid it'll explode. I have reed on several sites that some people encounter the issue of jars exploding or leaking due to the gases. I feel like I'm not ready to deploy my spell and wish to work it a bit longer. What do you guys suggest? Do I continue to work it or is it best to deploy it at this moment before jar explodes?
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Re: Vinegar spell jar
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
How high is the mixture inside the jar?

If it's half or less, then the leakage is probably coming from a poor seal on the lid, be it a manufacturing issue or just closing it incorrectly.

If it's higher than that, you are at risk that the gases within it are penetrating the seal (causing liquid to come out) which can lead to an explosion if it's physically moved to much.

When you do a vinegar jar, I suggest the mixture to be no higher than 1/4th of the jar and rolling it rather than shaking. The less room you have for the gases, the more chance you have for explosion.

You can continue the work and just roll it carefully, or you can dispose of it and start a new one. It's really up to you and what you feel more comfortable with.
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Re: Vinegar spell jar
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Vodou from Other Spells Discussion.
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