Should I do this work? By: ConjureLady_ / Knowledgeable
Post # 1 Dec 29, 2013
Hoodoo work is often used by people from all walks of life because "it works". There's a reason why it works that many people don't necessarily think about.
In hoodoo, everything you do must be just. It must be approved by your spirits (be them specific Saints, God or your ancestors). Yep, you need approval of the work or the spirits may interject to stop your work or even flip it on you.
When a worker works, they have confidence because they know they have spiritual approval so there's no need to wonder if their work is going to go wrong or right.
In knowing that, let's be honest. Not everyone wants to do divination first. Not everyone has "time" and not everyone knows how. So, in that situation, what do you do?
You take your time to get your ingredients. In doing so, you are giving your spirits time to speak to you.
I rarely do divination, however I always listen to my spirits. Recently, I was put into a situation where I specifically asked my spirits to show me a different way to accomplish my goal.
It took me 1 1/2 weeks to get my ingredients all together, to pray over them, to work them up, etc. By the end of that 1 1/2 weeks, I heard them. Loudly and clearly "Don't do it. You need to let go and take what comes".
Now, had I rushed into my work, looked for the "easy ingredients", etc...I would have never heard my spirits telling me to stop because I was emotional, I was determined and I wasn't giving myself time to think. Had I done that work..I don't want to even think about what my spirits would have done.
This is why conjure workers divine first. They commune with their spirits. They listen to what's being said and they take their time. THAT is why the work works. Because there is confidence in the fact that what's being done is being done with the blessings of the spirit world.
Thank you conjure lady for that fabulous post...
this technique works with everything in life not just conjure woek we should never rush into things and act on impulse we should always wait till we are less emotional and listen to our inner guidance....this is a very good post for shopaholics also lol before you splurge in the heat of the moment you should sleep on it and see if you still want it so badly the next day ! haha it works with everything in life :)
love and blessings to you
Re: Should I do this work? By: WhiteRav3n / Knowledgeable
Post # 5 Dec 30, 2013
"You take your time to get your ingredients. In doing so, you are giving your spirits time to speak to you."
Yes! I generally plan for days ahead of time and wait until it "feels" right. Sometimes I keep getting the feeling to wait until the spell is no longer needed at all because the situation resolves itself. Other times I will wait, and suddenly and randomly get this sudden rush like the spirits are shouting "go go go!" Usually they communicate with emotions with me pertaining to ritual work because its the one thing that can catch my attention no matter what is going on, and even wake me from a deep sleep. I have woken up at 4am to cast because it was the "right time".
If only they would push the on button on my coffee maker as well, and I would complain less. :P
Wonderful post, This really gave me some thinking to do. It makes so much sense and in following this should give me a peace of mind and not do things as fast as I usually do. Thanks for this :)
Re: Should I do this work? By: Lark Moderator / Adept
Post # 7 Dec 30, 2013
Yes, this!
I too do divination before any magical working to see what the likely result of each course of action might be. That way I can tell if what I want to do is a good idea or not and what the consequences might be. It certainly avoids finding yourself with a result you never intended.