Decorative Veves

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Decorative Veves
Post # 1
Would it be considered disrespectful or somehow dangerous to use a veve as a decoration? I know they are used to call on the Lwa, and they are typically drawn with flour or something of the sort, but would it cause problems if I, say, drew Erzulie's veve with ink and made it my binder cover, or tacked it to my wall? If it's not inherently disrespectful, should they be treated a certain way? Please note I don't practice Voodoo, Vodou, or anything of the sort.
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Re: Decorative Veves
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 2
It is very disrespectful.

While veve's are beautiful, they are still representations of the lwa and used in ceremonies to attract them to the ritual.

To walk around with one on your binder shows a disrespect for not only the spirit, but the religion and it's practices.
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Re: Decorative Veves
Post # 3
Thank you Conjure, glad I asked.
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Re: Decorative Veves
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 4
That's an inaccurate citation from a Wiki source.

What Milo said was "According to Milo Rigaud "The veves represent figures of the astral forces... In the course of Vodou ceremonies, the reproduction of the astral forces represented by the veves obliges the loas... to descend to earth." [1] "

The "1" following the passage leads to the citation in the reference section. The reference is specific to that passage, not the entirety of the article.

Yes, some times veve's are made into decorative objects, however that does not mean that someone outside the religion or who does not have that lwa in their esko (and even if they did) should walk around with it on their binder.

Understanding the purpose of a veve will help in understanding why that is a no-no.

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Re: Decorative Veves
Post # 5
It tend to draw vévé of Papa Legba everywhere i dont know why and I sing allot of Papa Legba songs to everywhere I go
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