Eye color change(Works)

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Eye color change(Works)
Post # 1
Eye color change
(You need: 1 pink rose, 1 large red candle)
"This is to touch (touch rose) This is to be
(put hand above candle)
Shape and forment for all to see, By the
powers of three times three (put hands over
As I will it, so shall it be"...
Candle (I use a candle who's color is the
same as the color I want to change my eyes
A pentacle (optional). You can get more
candles, the more candles the better the
spell will work.
Light the candles and sit in front of the
candle(s) and chant three or more times:
123 change for me, 123 (present color) to
(color you want it to change to)
Then chant three or more times: By the
powers of three let it be seen
Then visualize your eyes changing color
then check in a mirror.

Re: Eye color change(Works)
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Doesn't matter if you put 'works' in brackets physical change through magick cannot occure. Some minor exceptions are hair colour if coupled with lemon juice, clear skin when coupled with a regular face washing routine or weight loss/gain when coupled with diet and exercise. Saying some words, waving some flowers and visualizing will not create physical change. A spell for physical change needs to be coupled with changes to your daily routine to work. These spells work more as a placebo, or helps you get results quicker.

Re: Eye color change(Works)
Post # 3

This is really just an add on to the original spell from the movie "The Craft" lol. You cant completely change your eye color, no matter how well the spell is writen. However, you can make them appear more crisp and clear! To do that, purge your body of toxins. Eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of water (prefferably with pure lemon juice added) and exercise often! No joke, it will actually change the tone of your eyes a bit. Trick I learned while studying iridology ;)


Re: Eye color change(Works)
Post # 4
it actually works
i myself have tried it,the most important ingredients of the spell are belief and visualisation

Re: Eye color change(Works)
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 5

Belief doesn't make the impossible possible.

You cannot change your physical eye color.

Re: Eye color change(Works)
Post # 6
if you have no faith and if you don't believe something will happen nothing will happen.

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