Hellanic roman gods

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Hellanic roman gods
Post # 1
Does anyone have an experience with the following Sulis, Minerva or Athena. I only have experience with tradional celtic gods.
My place of business is built on or near the old worshiping place for these 3 gods. In the part of teh building that is a sealed off cellar I sense a prescense there.
p.s I cant spell please ignore this
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Re: Hellanic roman gods
Post # 2
I have had experience with Athena before. Though, I personally consider Athena and Minerva to be te same Goddess, since the Romans adopted the Greek pantheon.
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Re: Hellanic roman gods
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3

Sulis isn't neither Roman nor Greek, she is the Celtic goddess associated with the springs at Bath. When the Romans came to Britain they learned about Sulis and felt that her attributes were similar to those of Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom. In typical Roman fashion they linked the two as if they were one goddess, when in fact they were nothing of the sort.

Very little is known about Sulis since the Celts left no written records. All we have about her are some inscriptions and an image found in connection with the springs in Bath.

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