moving spell

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moving spell
Post # 1

Im planning on creating my own moving house spell can someone help me or guide me about the spell.

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Re: moving spell
Post # 2
You cantm it's physically impossible. Sorry but it seems like fluff. However if you want to move to a new house and put a spell for protection I can help. Message me if that is so, however the rest I believeis impossible.
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Re: moving spell
Post # 3

You can attract money how come you cant attract a house saying im fluff because my name dont judge book by its cover.

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Re: moving spell
Post # 4

You can attract money how cant you attract a house.

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Re: moving spell
Post # 5
I never said anything about your name, you wanted to attract like a house on the market and get it, if so I apologize and read it wrong, however making a house move is what I thought so I said it was fluff because it is. Your words didn't make that much sense. Sorry.
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Re: moving spell
Post # 6
Because money nor a house just comes to you, unless it's a windy day and money just so happened to be there flowing in the wind to you. However, you can meditate to clear your mind on the type of house YOU, yourself, would be attracted to. Maybe even cast a spell to bring you chances on finding the right kind of deal on a house you can call home. But, to create a spell to bring a house to you is bound to fail. I recommend meditating first to help you clear your mind and really think about what your looking for, if you want send out positive energy into the universe to help and guide you to finding a place you can call home just by pondering on it and visualizing you being happy in a type of house you desire and can afford.
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Re: moving spell
Post # 7

Im sorry if i came off mean.

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