Hello, I'm Zen.

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Hello, I'm Zen.
Post # 1
Hello everybody! I've been studying many beliefs for at least 5 years now, including Wicca and Paganism, so I'm fond with these practices and honestly I don't feel lost, although I could use some help from now and then.

My beliefs are a mix of Paganism, Wicca and Buddhism. I'm starting to create a bond with Aset and I've been worshipping Kwan Yin for a month now, though I intend to officially become part of this "world", since like most of you, I was born in the Christian faith, which is wonderful but exhausting and oppressing sometimes.

My spell work is completely harmless and because of my Buddhist faith, I will avoid "gain" spells which will attach me to the Material World. My path will be more of a Spiritual one.
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Re: Hello, I'm Zen.
Post # 2

Paganism is just a term for all religions that do not believe the same as Christians. Wicca is a religion, Paganism is not as it is a term for many religions.

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Re: Hello, I'm Zen.
Post # 3
Yes, I know that. When I said "beliefs" I referred that I've studied different schools of thought like philosophies and spiritual methods, not just religions.
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