What just happened.?

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What just happened.?
Post # 1
A few weeks ago, something strange happened. Never happened before.
I was meditating for an hour or so in the afternoon,in terms of astral projecting.
That night,went to sleep,for about 5 hours when I checked the time after I woke up again at 6am.

Went back to sleep,this time laying on my back face up. Just as soon as I was blacked out and unconscious-I suddenly regained consciousness and opened my eyes but instead of seeing the ceiling I saw the black/blue night sky with all it's bright stars.
I was completely aware just as if I was awake.
My body also felt very weird and quite paralysed.
I tried to paralyse my body even more by willing it to as I realised that this might be my astral body trying to leave my physical one-but then I started feeling like I was suffocating myself and then panicked, heart beat racing, and everything blacked out and I woke up with the ceiling and everything back to normal.

Could this have really been me projecting, or something else?
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Re: What just happened.?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

It sounds a lot more like sleep paralysis than astral projection. Sleep paralysis occurs in the place between being asleep and dreaming and actually being awake. As Wikipedia says: " Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which a person, either falling asleep or awakening, temporarily experiences an inability to move, speak or react. It is a transitional state between wakefulness and sleep, characterized by complete muscle atonia (muscle weakness) ."

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