
CovenNatural Magick ► Mugwort
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Post # 1
MUGWORT Compositae
Artemisia vulgaris
MUGWORT has two magical uses: to provide safe travel and to aid psychic work.
For Safe Travel: Worn in the Shoes, MUGWORT is said to prevent fatigue while walking and to keep off wild beasts and the spirits of evil beings who inhabit forlorn places. A red flannel mojo containing MUGWORT, Comfrey root, and a Saint Christopher medal is said to provide safety and protection to those who visit foreign places or venture away from home, and to make journeys more pleasant by eliminating interference in one's travel plans.
An Aid to Spiritualism: MUGWORT brings success to those who engage in psychic and visionary work. If kept in a red bag under one's pillow, it aids in the production of clairvoyant dreams. A tea made from MUGWORT is used by many to cleanse crystals. To bring forth protective and benevolent spirits, MUGWORT is burned on charcoal with Star Anise, Althaea, and resin incenses like Frankincense, Myrrh, Copal, or Benzoin.
Additional magical uses at: Ash Tree, Verbena
Botanical notes: Mugwort is related to Southernwood and Wormwood.
Further botanical notes at: Sage, Southernwood, Wormwood


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