What is a channel?

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What is a channel?
Post # 1
Part of the funadamental idea behind casting a spell is that it is a process of racing energy and directing that energy toward your goal this energy mingles with the object of your desire and gives it a push in your direction this is what sets the process in motion think of energy like electricity
Electricity doesn't just float around in the air it travels along conduitsit runs along wires when lightning come down in a bolt it seeks to take the shortest distance it seeks out something conductive like a tree Dow which it can travel like water flowing down the mountain energy seeks and takes the path of least resistance
In magic the path your energy takes is sometimes referred to as a Channel it's like creating a conduit for the energy that you raised and directed.
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Re: What is a channel?
Post # 2
I think that's the longest sentence I've ever read.
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Re: What is a channel?
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to General Info from Other Spells Discussion.
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