Pronouncing the Sabbats

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Pronouncing the Sabbats
By: / Beginner
Post # 1
This may seem a little trivial, and it probably is, but coming from someone who grew up learning Gaeilge (the Irish word for the Irish language) in school, I just want to clarify the pronunciations of the Sabbats for all those who didn't.

I'm not going to get into the accents and subtleties of the whole language, I just want to give you an Anglicised version so you're somewhere in the ballpark. I can't count the amount of times I've cringed inside when somebody says "Sam-hane".

Imm-uluk or Imm-ulk

Byal-ta-na (ee and ah sound run into each other)


Sow-en (sow as in female pig, rhymes with cow)

Hope y'all found this helpful :)
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