Someone asked me this question and I want t
us to help:
He asked, does setting up an alter in his bedroom has any effect? Can it still be sacred even though he may make love with his woman or will such act defile or make the alter less powerful?
Please I need responses.
I absolutely keep my alter in my bedroom. I do take parts of it outside weather permitting particularly for the full moon. Sex has a very powerful energy of it's own that can add to certain spells.
But also remember that were you keep your alter is your space and I would be very careful who I allowed into my sacred protected space. But being that I am married there is only one person is in my room wih mw and my spouse supports my practice.
As was said, sex energy can contribute positively to magic. I think it would depend on which spirits the altar is dedicated to. An altar to sex and love goddesses like Freyja, Ishtar or Aphrodite would be more appropriate to a demoness of infertility like Lamashtu. The raw energy itself can "charge" what is on the altar if it is used mainly for low magic.
I concur with you Mikekoas. Truly it depends on the spirit the altar is been dedicated to. In that case, are we concluding that it is not proper to set up our altars in the bedroom if its not dedicated to the sex and love goddess?
It should be fine. If it's dedicated to a deity of love, sex, and/or fertility then it's a bonus energy, but you should regularly cleanse your house because positive and negative energy can build up over time. If the room becomes too energized it could effect your friends sleep. You should be fine though. Most people I know have their altars in their living rooms but I know people who have an altar in the bedroom or office and it's fine.
Re: Alter in the bedroom By: Twitchy_mom2 / Beginner
Post # 6 Dec 28, 2015
I personally keep mine in my room. I have my own space in my room that is just for me. No kids no husbands. And my husband respects that which is a bonus. Think of all the energy you can put into in your own way. Doesn't matter if you make love to your women or not. If you worship the love goddess or go or fertility even more energy to add to it.