freezing a honey jar

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freezing a honey jar
Post # 1
can freezing a honey jar be more effective/more energy to the spell after you make one? It seems like freezing the person to be sweet to you.
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Re: freezing a honey jar
Post # 2
Generally you freeze things to cool someone off, so freezing a honey jar would seem counterproductive to me.
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Re: freezing a honey jar
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Yeah,freeze a water bottle with a picture and petition and spit in it.Honey Bottles usually sweeten thing.
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Re: freezing a honey jar
Post # 4
Interesting idea, but nothing lasts forever. If you maintain the person in a sweeten state it will cause that mood to exhaust quickly. It's like using up all the battery in a device on one function. Honey jars, I believe, are used for times needed, like a point when a relationship is not going so good.
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