Desperate Help,honey jar

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Desperate Help,honey jar
Post # 1
This is my 1st spell I have ever cast, when I originally made my honey jar a few days ago, I had no personal effects of the person my honey jar is intended for. since then I was able to get a photo of the person. Am I able to open my honey jar and add or should I just start a brand-new honey jar or just place the picture underneath the jar with the candle lit on top??
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Re: Desperate Help,honey jar
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I open honey jars to add important idems,a photo is a great powerful link,add it by all means
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Re: Desperate Help,honey jar
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Honey jars work slow they dont give instant results it takes time but the effect will last long to if you want a faster working jar spell make a syrup jar which works faster than honey jars remeber candles should be burned on top the honey jar every week to keep it working and strong just continue working the jar and wait for results
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Re: Desperate Help,honey jar
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Also remeber once you sealed the jar it should be kept closed add petition paper which is important not just the picture of the person which can be put in the jar and under the jar I generally burn candles on my honey jars on fridays add herbs that will support the work and add some oils that correspond to the work
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